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Thanks To Hefty Schools Can Earn Money By Clipping Box Tops

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Thanks To Hefty Schools Can Earn Money By Clipping Box Tops #SaidNoSchoolEver #CG

This is the first year that my kids have gone to public school. We have just been in class for a few weeks and I am learning so much about what the schools needs and how we can help them get the resources they need to be able to give our children a great education.

Thanks To Hefty Schools Can Earn Money By Clipping Box Tops #SaidNoSchoolEver #CG

My kids had a long list of supplies to bring to school at the start of the school year. I couldn’t imagine how expensive it would be for the teacher if they had to buy all those supplies for their classrooms. I love to be able to help out and send in products that will make the learning experience better.

One day my kids came home and they were so excited to share about Hefty Box Tops for Education. They are the only trash bag that supports Box Tops for Education. In my house we go through a lot of trash bags, so I love the fact that I am helping their elementary school buy new supplies.

Thanks To Hefty Schools Can Earn Money By Clipping Box Tops #SaidNoSchoolEver #CG

I love this funny video from Hefty called “Said No School Ever”. When you collect Box Tops For Education think of all the things they can buy!

What could your school use – some more art supplies, books, music instruments? No school will ever have enough – so make sure you purchase Hefty® trash bags and support your school!

Thanks To Hefty Schools Can Earn Money By Clipping Box Tops #SaidNoSchoolEver #CG

  • Every Box Tops coupon is worth 10 cents and schools can earn up to $20,000 every year by clipping Box Tops from hundreds of participating products. This is such an easy way to support your school. When my 2nd grader found out about this program, he was searching my pantry for as many Box Tops as he could find.
  • The Box Tops can be used for anything the school needs – I am sure they have a very long list!
  • You can send your Box Tops to school anytime  – they will be sent their earnings in December and April.

Thanks To Hefty Schools Can Earn Money By Clipping Box Tops #SaidNoSchoolEver #CG

What could your school purchase with the extra cash from  Hefty® trash bags and Box Tops for education.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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