This information, Little Big Books – Musical eBooks For Toddlers, is brought to you by Little Big Books. All opinions are my own.
Do you kids love books? My kids love to read. Every week they are asking for a new book. When they were little I tried to make sure they were looking at books from an early age.
Little Big Books. are books that your kids will love. They have beautiful illustrations, tell a good story that teaches a lesson and they are musical!
There are 5 eBooks available and I think your kids will love them!
They teach your child things like using the potty or helps them to use their imagination with a trip to the moon. They are wonderful books your kids will love! Plus they are just $5.99 and you can get them instantly to enjoy with your kids!
About Little Big Books eBooks For Toddlers:
Little Big are musical e-books for toddlers! Every story celebrates their delight in life, passion for discovery, and brave baby steps toward mastery of their world.
Artist Anne Baird, and composer/musicians, Allison McCready and Cary Beare adore toddlers, and teamed up to produce Little Big’s first e-books for them. There are five ebooks in the collection. They are all available for purchase on iBooks (Apple) and Kindle (Amazon). Potty Party may also be purchased on Kobo, or Nook (Barnes & Noble.)The Little Big Books collection, of which Potty Party is the first, is the result of their fruitful collaboration. To see more of Anne’s work, visit her Amazon Author Page
Here are the ebooks for toddlers that are available:
POTTY PARTY is a musical/visual romp about a reluctant potty trainee who learns to think of pooping in the potty as a party! Mastery of a basic life skill. Yippee!
Encouraged by the song to think of going to the potty as huge fun, the toddler joins the party. Soon, everyone is dancing! The new potty-pooper even remembers to flush.
If you have Amazon Unlimited you can view it for free!

MOON MOON is a lullaby book about a toddler’s imaginative flight to the moon and back home again. Big dreams are important at any age!
Have you ever dreamed of flying to the moon? In this going-to-sleep book, a toddler imagines how she might get there ~ in a rocket ship, on the tail of a kite, or on a puff of smoke. By the time her fantasy is over, she’s nearly asleep. Night night!
Purchase MOON MOON on Kindle.
BLANKIE affirms a feisty toddler who won’t give up her blankie until she’s ready. You need to know when the time is right!
Purchase BLANKIE on Kindle.
SUNFLOWER explores the life cycle through the life of a toddler’s sunflower. Nothing you love and care for is ever really lost.

TEENY GREEN is about a toddler who enjoys a secret pet in a pet-free zone. It’s a lesson about how to work with what you’ve got.
Purchase TEENY Green on Kindle.
Big ideas for little people…That’s what Little Big Books are all about.
Reading with your child from an early age is very beneficial. It expands their vocabulary and helps them to understand how to read from an early age. It also gives them early exposure to the alphabet and phonics.
Darcy Koch
Tuesday 10th of October 2017
Very well illustrated books. My grandsons love books and enjoy it when we read books together.
Tuesday 10th of October 2017
These books are adorable and the illustrations are beautiful. What a great idea to offer them as love ipads and kindles.
courtney hennagir
Tuesday 10th of October 2017
I love the illustrations! My daughter is just getting into ebooks so I will definitely be checking these out,thank you!
Amy Tolley
Tuesday 10th of October 2017
These books sound like super great books to enjoy with my grandkids.