I received the BISSELL’s ProHeat 2X® Revolution® Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
Have you watched the Netflix series about organizing! Basically the method is that anything that doesn’t “spark joy” needs to be out of your house. My problem is that I have 3 kids and a husband and it’s hard to know what to keep and what to get rid of. One of the greatest clutter makers in our home is clothes. We have winter clothes and summer clothes and then all those light and heavy jackets that take up so much closet space.
So purging isn’t what I like to do. It doesn’t “spark joy” at all. It actually gives me a lot of anxiety. But what does “spark joy” in my life is cleaning! I never really understood the meaning of Spring Cleaning until I moved to Kentucky. When you live in Florida you don’t really have to wait for spring for it to be warm enough to clean.
Spring Cleaning is a great time to get major cleaning done like dusting those hard to reach places and cleaning the baseboards. But have you ever thought about adding cleaning your carpets to spring cleaning? Between our dog and 3 kids – our 3 year old carpet looks like we have lots of kids trekking through the house. Plus the dog has had a few accidents and loves to track in mud.
Last summer we got new living room furniture so while the living room was empty I ran down to the grocery store and rented a carpet cleaner. Have you ever done that? It was so difficult! The machine was so heavy and bulky. It felt like it wasn’t actually cleaning – it was just dumping out some soapy water and sucking some of it back up. I realized that day I NEVER wanted to rent a carpet cleaner again!
So I started my search to find a carpet cleaner that was not bulky and heavy, could clean the messes from my kids and dog, and was easy to use. BISSELL’s ProHeat 2X® Revolution® Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner is exactly what I needed.
I received my BISSELL’s ProHeat 2X® Revolution® Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner. I get excited when I clean and see instant results. Most of my house is carpet. (Even my dining room which makes no sense!) As soon as I got it I put it together and started to clean. it came with a trial size BISSELL® Professional Pet Urine Eliminator + Oxy. This cleaner worked and smelled amazing!!
I pushed back all the furniture and cleaned my living room and bonus room. There are a few different types of settings so you can do a quick clean so it dries within an hour or a deep clean that takes a little longer to dry but really gets the carpet clean.
I did the deep clean and was shocked how dirty the water really was. I had just paid to rent a carpet cleaner only about 6 months ago so I didn’t think it would be that bad. (But I guess the other cleaner didn’t really do its job very well.)
The Dual Dirtlifter® Power Brushes combined with Heatwave Technology® work to remove dirt and stains from your carpet. The carpet cleaner glides along the carpet. You click the button to spray the solution and then pull the carpet cleaner back to suck up the water. There is even a spot cleaner where you can spray extra solution onto the carpet if there are stains you really want to target.
Unlike the machine I rented – the BISSELL’s ProHeat 2X® Revolution® Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner has lots of attachments so you can also use it to clean stairs and upholstery. I really love the 2-in-1 Pet Upholstery Tool to remove pet hair, stains, and odors from upholstery!
Now that Christmas is over and all the stuff is put away, I have to clean the bedrooms, dining room, and stairs as part of my spring cleaning routine. You may not think you don’t need to clean your carpets – but I promise you should. And don’t waste your time and money on the grocery store rental. They really do not get you the kind of clean that you should expect to get from a carpet cleaner.
It’s also so convenient to own your carpet cleaner. I can get it out at anytime – especially if the kids really make a mess on the carpet or of the dog decides she’s rather use the bathroom in the house instead of in the snow.
The BISSELL’s ProHeat 2X® Revolution® Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner is worth the investment.