I was provided an all expense paid trip to Los Angeles. All opinions are my own. If you have been following me on social media, you would have seen I was pretty busy last week. I was invited to the red carpet premier of The Good Dinosaur event in Los Angeles. One of the highlights …
I was not compensated for this trip but all my expenses were paid. All opinions are my own. These past 4 days were a whirlwind of events, interviews, special screenings, and celebrity spotting. It was an amazing experience that you would expect when you are invited to the premiere of a new movie. …
I have been invited by Disney/ABC to attend this event. All my expenses will be paid but I promise all my opinions will be my own! Every once in a while I get an amazing email. Last night I had a magical email. I have been invited to Los Angeles for a Disney/ABC Event. I …
If you haven’t noticed – there is a new Star Wars moving coming out this year. My kids all want to be Star Wars characters for Halloween. My oldest son even asked if we could have watch all the Star Wars movies so that he will know everything that is going on in the newest …