Do you ever feel like it’s a constant struggle to keep your kid’s toys cleaned up and organized? Sometimes I feel like all I ever do is pick up toys. My boys are getting better at cleaning up but I have a 1 year old little girl that loves to pull all the toys …
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Huggies blogging program, for a gift card. I have 3 little kids – thank God only 1 of them is still in diapers. Most of the time I just change my kids on a towel on the living room floor and that seems really tempting …
Can you believe that school has already started? It feels like they just started summer vacation! I am the oldest of 4 girls and I remember that my mom’s favorite commercial was for an office supply store. It had a mom dancing down an isle happily throwing school supplies into her cart to the song …
Summer is here so I think that all our lives are a little bit easier. We dont have to get out kids to school, pack their lunches, pick them up, bring them to a practice, do homework, etc! As parents we have become experts at mutitasking. It’s amazing how many things I can accomplish at …
I am from Florida. I have pretty much grown up with a beach within a short drive. So I know a good beach when I hear about it! I was reading about Virginia Beach and it sounds really nice. This beach is definitely a beach I would take a vacation. Virgian Beach sounds like a …