My husband and I just celebrated 20 years of marriage. But we are not the type of people that surprise each other with gifts very often for birthdays and anniversaries. I even tell him not to give me Valentines flowers. Yes – they are beautiful but I would rather spend time doing something together.
I think moms don’t do enough splurging for themselves so here are a few things that I think would be great gifts. They are definitely things that I don not treat myself to very often. So here are 6 things you can do for that special woman in your life!
Plan a fun weekend getaway. Before we had kids we tried to make sure every year we would go on a fun vacation. Once we had kids and moved overseas all of our vacations were spent going back to Florida to visit our family. Don’t get my wrong – Florida is an amazing place to visit but it’s nice to go somewhere new and spend time with each other. Find a place close to home so you don’t have to take time off of work r spend much time traveling.
Stay tuned…I have never done this before but I booked a surprise trip for my husband and I can’t wait to share all the details about it with you. Every once in a while, check flights for a vacation destination that your all have talked about visiting one day, you may be surprised how cheap you can find the airfare!
Never underestimate how much a massage can help! It’s an awesome gift. It melts away stress and can really help your overall health. I was getting headaches and I went for a massage and I have only had 1 headache in over 2 months.
If she doesn’t like the idea of a massage a simple manicure and pedicure could also be a fun day of relaxation that she doesn’t usually enjoy and splurge on.
Hire someone to clean the house. Moms do a lot. They take care of the kids and all their activities. They plan the meals and do all the grocery shopping. And they need to make time to clean the house and get all the laundry done. Any many of them also have full time jobs! Every once in a while it would so nice to have someone else do a nice deep-clean of my house.
A New Outfit – Have you ever been in a store with your wife and she stops and admires a top or dress? Make a mental note of that. You can easily go home and check the tags on the clothes she wears most often to pick out the correct size. Just knowing that you paid attention and remembered something she liked will mean a lot!
New earrings – this is a lot easier to pick out than a new outfit or you could include it as part of the outfit. I love earrings. Besides my wedding ring it’s the only piece of jewelry I wear everyday. Grab something simple and elegant that can be worn with casual or fancy outfits. (You can never go wrong with diamond stud earrings.)
Dinner at her favorite restaurant – Even if your wife/girlfriend doesn’t mind cooking, it’s always nice to not have to think about making dinner and then cleaning up the mess. You have eat so take her out so she can relax and enjoy the evening with you. (If you are like me – you earn serious bonus points if you have a coupon!) Or if you are looking for a more frugal dinner date idea you could pack a picnic and take her to a park to enjoy time together. Find a place that has beautiful scenery to watch the sunset.
So here is the perfect way to set up a way to plan the perfect night and incorporate some of these gifts. Get dressed up in an outfit to go out to dinner. Ring the doorbell and wait for her to answer the door. Give her a new outfit and the earring and tell her that you have a babysitter lined up and you are taking her to her favorite restaurant.
What are some other non-traditional gifts you think would make a great gift for women? I would love some frugal and expensive ideas.
Silvia R
Thursday 10th of August 2017
This is a great list! I would add let her sleep in and take care of the morning routine so she can rest.