Huggies has come out with a new line of diapers called Little Movers slip-on diapers. You just slip them on and off your baby. Your baby barely has enough time to realize you are changing his diaper before you are finished! I wish they would have had these available when my boys were little, but I am happy to have them available for my little girl – my little wiggle worm!
My little wiggle worm loves to play with her brothers. So when I am trying to change her in the living room she does not want to sit still. The second you take your hand off her belly she has rolled over and started to crawl to play with one of her brothers. It’s amazing how fast she is. My second son was a little lazier and didn’t start rolling over until he was 9 months – so I did not have this problem with him.
I have learned a few tricks to help keep her in one spot so I can change her. I am actually quite fast when it comes to changing diapers!
- The easiest thing is to have a good toy handy, one that she can only play when when you are changing her. Make sure it’s unique or makes noise. Something that will keep her attention for a minute.
- Sometimes it’s a pain for me to go upstairs and use the changing table, but there are less distractions in her bedroom. She love to play with her hair brush when she’s on her changing table.
- Sing a song – As a mom, you don’t really need to pay total attention to changing diapers. Sing a few songs to her and make silly faces while you are changing her.
- Be Prepared – Before I lay her down I have the wipes, diaper, and rash cream ready. Before I even take off her old diaper I lay the new diaper under her so that I can get it on her quickly. This was really helpful with my boys. I could cover them before they could pee everywhere!
With the new Huggies Movers slip-on diapers, I don’t have to be too creative. They are so fast and easy – just slip off, wipe, and slip on – DONE!I used these when we were traveling and they were so great. I hate being in a airplane bathroom, so this made the whole thing so much easier! There is almost no reason for your child to even lay down! Think of how these diapers can make your day easier!
The slip on diaper go on like underwear, but they also have tabs on the side so you can also take them off if it’s a messier diaper.
So what do you think – will you be trying these new diapers? What do you do to make it easier while changing a diaper?
I can always use more tips!