Join my Valentine’s Day Gift Guide! This page has all the details and the bloggers that are part of this event. The sooner you join – the sooner I can publish your blog post. My Holiday Gift Guide page is live!
Click here to join!
I’m an MSN contributor, so the gift guide will also be featured on my MSN page. MSN has 215 million unique monthly visitors! A few other bloggers in this guide are also MSN Bloggers and will be syndicating their Holiday Gift Guide.
I will add brands in the order in which they sign up.
Package Options:
Package 1 ($100) – You will have an image, link, and a few sentences about your product on my Valentine’s Day Gift Guide Page only. Plus social shares linking to your product and the Valentine’s Gift Guide page until February 14.
Package 2 ($200) – Same as package 1 but it also includes a dedicated blog post with SEO research about your product. You will get social shares linked to the blog post and Valentine’s Gift Guide.
Package 3 – Total cost – $500 – Get a Top Spot On My Website!
- Published in the Valentine’s Gift Guide page on 8 blogs! (See below for blogs and stats.)
- 1 blog post on my blog all about your product – on my blog and syndicated to MSN & Newsbreak
- Giveaway on all 8 blogs
- Social shares from Now – February 14 (I will tag your brand and use relevant hashtags.)
- Email newsletter inclusion
- Minimum product value $75
Please let me know if you have any questions. Click here to sign up!