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Getting Rid of Your Older Books


If you are anything like my husband , you have a lot of books that you really do not need anymore. Or you may be addicted to reading, but at some point, you will have to accept that the large pile of books that you never read will need to go. You hardly read them anymore, let alone look at them, so there is no point in allowing them to take up valuable space.

You may have thought of getting rid of them, but just can’t figure out the best way to do so. If you are like most avid readers, the thought of letting your once precious reads fall into the wrong hands is too much to bear. Luckily, there are some great ways to part with your books and not feel guilty about it. Here’s some tips to help you get rid of some of your books.

Sell Your Books Online

This is always y first option. Selling your books online is a great way to clear up some space and get some extra cash at the same time. There are many different websites that you will be able to choose from. You can use do-it-yourself type of websites and post your own ad to sell your books to other consumers, or you can sell your books to online book retailers or rental companies. You will want to price your books fairly and according to their condition. If the books happen to be really old, and are in bad condition, you may want to consider one of the other options available to you.

Host a Book Swap

Another option that you have for getting rid of your old books is to host a book swap party. At a book swap party, you instruct each guest to bring their used books. The books are then displayed according to genre so that every guest can look through and select the books that interest them. Any books that are left over from the swap can either be returned to the original owner or donated to the local library.

Trade in Your Books

Another option that you have for getting rid of your books is to trade them with a local book store. Some book stores will allow their customers to trade their used books for store credit or books that have an equal or lesser value. In most cases, you will get a better deal by choosing this option over trying to sell the books on your own.

Donate Your Books

By donating your books, you can free up some space on your shelf while contributing to a good cause. Local libraries, women shelters, orphanages, or homeless shelters are always excited to receive books that are in good condition. You should consider this option if your books are in good condition and you are looking to free up some much needed space.

Each of these options will allow you to get rid of books that you no longer read or enjoy without feeling wasteful. With each of these options, your books are be given or sold to people who will get the proper use out of them. When trying to determine the appropriate method of getting rid of your books, you will need to consider the condition of your books. With each of these options, your books should be in fair to like-new condition to ensure that others are given books that can be enjoyed for years to come.


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