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Six Ways To Supersize Your Home Comforts

This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own. 

There is nothing worse than being excited to come home from work all day only to come home to a place that isn’t comfortable, isn’t relaxing, and doesn’t make your soul sing. You need to be able to walk into your house and know that it’s your place to relax.


You spend so much time in the workplace that it can be hard to do anything but daydream about being in your own space. The thing is, your space needs to have more to it than just function. A kitchen is where you cook, but it should also be a warm place to eat a hearty meal. A lounge is where you binge-watch Netflix, but if your sofas are falling to pieces, it’s not going to be the right place to be.



You need to do what you can to make your home as relaxing as possible so that you’re not pulling overtime just to avoid spending time at home. Below, you’ll find ways to make your home comforts supersized – bigger than you could have imagined!

Windows. You don’t need to bust the glass out of the frame and replace the entire window to be more comfortable, but you do need to think about the way that they look. Ideally, you have double glazing already, otherwise, you will need to pop the glass and replace it! Otherwise, think about how the curtains and blinds that you use for your windows make the overall look of the house appear. We got our blinds from Blinds Chalet and they are awesome! 

Lighting. Soft lighting in bedrooms along with complimentary lighting throughout the house in the form of lamps and spotlights can make the home more comfortable. Natural light is always the best option but it’s not always possible, so maximize where you can.

Furniture. The way that you decorate and furnish your home is going to make a difference in how comfortable it looks. Sofas, chairs, and even dining chairs need careful consideration! Some foam mattresses and pillows can put the finishing comfort into your home.

Flooring. A floor can make a huge difference in how comfortable you find your home. You don’t need cold hardwood in the bedroom only to get your warm feet onto it in the morning. The carpeting in rooms where you are sleeping and lying comfortably (or watching Netflix!) is going to be warmer than the rooms with hardwood floors.

Plants. Bringing nature into your house? Comfortable. Adding huge floor-to-ceiling indoor trees? Supersized comfort and fresh air to boot. You need to consider the impact plants have on your health – so if you indulge in a little hayfever it’s best to avoid flowers too much!

Smart Gadgets. If you want the ultimate comfort, start adding smart gadgets to your home is going to give you just that. Smart heating, lights, and even the surround system in the lounge are all going to be there to make your life more comfortable and easier.

Your house is your castle. Make it a fluffy, comfortable one!


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Sarah L

Sunday 21st of October 2018

I have lots of plants inside (and outside). I have a wonderful recliner that is very comfortable.

gloria patterson

Sunday 21st of October 2018

Some good suggestions here but I live in a rental so not a lot of apartment changes. BUT I should start with the smaller things and let each one of them make me happy. Time for a big plant to clean my air.

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