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The Real Tooth Fairy: 10 Tips on how to keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong

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Every mommy knows that if there’s something delicate that needs close attention – it’s the little one’s teeth. Teeth health (especially the dreaded cavities!) is so, so sneaky. If you’re not constantly on guard, it can be very easy to overlook something…and then one day comes the shrieking. The toothache has finally arrived and your precious one finds the pain unbearable.

So how can you try to avoid such thing happening?

Of course, I’m not that optimistic that we’re all Super-Moms who can defeat the natural occurrence of cavities. However, you can do a few things that will improve the health of your child’s teeth and keep them strong. Here’s my top ten list of tips for concerned mommies ready to take action!

The best tips coming straight from Toothbrush-land

I’m mentioning toothbrushes first because many people forget that they play a significant role in keeping the teeth healthy. I’ve got six toothbrush-related tips for you, fellow concerned moms:

1. Change your little one’s toothbrush frequently. Aim for getting a new toothbrush at least every four months or so.

2. Use a high quality toothbrush with a smaller head. Nylon bristle brushes are a good choice as they are more gentle and soft to kid’s teeth.

3. Does your child wear braces? If so, you might want to consult yourself with a specialist. Braces might require special toothbrushes and additional tools for oral hygiene so your child’s teeth remain healthy.

4. Flossing is great, so encourage it! There’s a high chance that food leftovers or plaque have got stuck between teeth that are too close to each other. Needless to say, that’s like a guarantee for future cavities. Flossing solves that.

5. Establish a thorough brushing habit. A good mommy will oversee how frequently her kids brush their teeth. Two times per day is the usual option. However, you might consider slipping a late afternoon brushing session along the standard morning and evening routine.

6. Make sure your children brush properly. A twenty second brushing session won’t be sufficient. Let your children know that they must brush their teeth for at least a minute. If they complain and get bored, here’s an idea: brush your teeth with them! A family routine is much more fun and they will follow your lead happily.

Four additional habits that guarantee healthier teeth

I call these “The Golden Four” because of their importance for healthy teeth. If you manage to educate your children to follow these habits, I’ve got good news: their teeth will do just great!

7. Visit the dentist at least once per year. I know we’re all busy and sometimes we tend to get carried away, but put a dentist appointment in your yearly calendar. If your child has genetically inherited teeth problems, then you might consider going to the dentist every few months just to be sure everything’s alright.

8. Limit junk food. Junk food is everywhere – sticky products that can’t get off your child’s teeth without a fight, sweets that ruin teeth health, soda drinks…I’m not saying that you have to cut off your little ones from the world of junk food, it’s almost impossible. Just limit their daily unhealthy food intake to decrease the risk of cavities.

9. Encourage the consumption of dairy products, especially cheese. Cheese is the best way to counter cavities with food due to its high calcium levels. Take your pick from mozzarella, cheddar or the so famous Swiss cheese and introduce it to your child’s eating habits.

10. Don’t share utensils. Sharing toothbrushes is out of the question (it’s gross, really), but giving your children spoons or forks you’ve already used is also a bad habit. Bacteria love to travel, and they travel fast, so you increase your child’s risk of getting a cavity. The same applies for sharing a glass of juice or a carton of milk. Just avoid doing it altogether.

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