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A Marriage Book Unlike Any Other ~ Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better at It!

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The book “Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better at It” by Kim and Penn Holderness is unlike any other marriage book I’ve ever read. The basic premise is that everyone fights (duh) and that learning from those inevitable fights is a great way to improve your marriage. 

Kim and Penn are writing to anyone who is married. Your marriage doesn’t have to be in shambles to be ready for improvement. They are hoping that the things that they have learned throughout their time as a married couple will help others. 


The book lays out ten of their epic fights that they have had over their years of marriage and helps the reader understand what those fights were about and what they learned during them. Sprinkled into the anecdotal stories are also great tips they’ve learned about marriage from their counselor and pastor, or their “marriage coach” as they call him.
These are the nuggets that will help all of us improve our marriages. They have developed some keywords that help steer their conversations and allow them to get the most out of their disagreements. These words also help them end their fights faster and allow each other to be heard. 
What I like about this book is that, in typical Holderness fashion, they entertain while they educate. If you’ve ever seen their videos, you know that this couple is really funny, and the book will give you plenty of laughs.
They are very much in touch with culture, and often while reading the book, I thought to myself how on point they were about a certain subject. 
Check out Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better at It! In typical Holderness fashion, they entertain while they educate.
That’s the thing, Penn and Kim seem to know how to genuinely connect with people, so this book connects with readers. I think their genuine vulnerability and personal lessons help anyone who takes the time to read this book.
It’s definitely worth the read for anyone who wants some nuggets to improve their marriage. 
You can pick up a copy of “Everybody Fights” today by clicking this link. You will also be able to read or listen to the first chapter. 
Check out Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better at It! In typical Holderness fashion, they entertain while they educate.


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